Posts by Collection



Production process networks: a trophic analysis

Published in , 2023

In this article, production process databases originating from environmental sciences, more specifically from life cycle inventory (LCI), are considered as bipartite directed random networks. To model the observed directed hierarchical connection patterns, we turn to recent development concerning trophic coherence. Extending the scope to include bipartite networks, we compare several LCI networks to networks from other fields, and show empirically that they have high coherence and belong to the loopless regime, or close to its boundary.

Recommended citation: Hazan, A. (2023). "Production process networks: a trophic analysis." Journal of Physics:Complexity. 4(015011).


Seminar at CAMS


Trade and production as networks A view on data, models, and attempts to bridge scales

Poster at CCS21


“Mapping the network of industrial processes from a Life Cycle Inventory database”



Workshop, UPEC, IUTSF, GEII, 2015

  • On the raspberry pi.
  • Remote presence robot (video streaming, serial dialog with Arduino).
  • see gitlab


Undergraduate course, UPEC, GEII, 2021

  • Series, power series, Fourier series, introduction to matrices.
  • see EPREL

Matrix calculus OML4

Undergraduate course, UPEC, GEII, 2023

  • Matrix calculus.
  • Applications to Electrical Engineering and Signal Processing.
  • see on EPREL Moodle